Monday, 31 December 2012

A star is born! Withing you is a

A star is born! Within you is a sensational artist. The world is your gallery by which all your greatest work will be viewed and so enjoyed.

We are all pearls...May

We are all pearls...May our days be as gorgeous as the freshness that made us.

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Beauty amongst the crowd.

Beauty amongst the crowd. Individuality is such a gift.
Isn't it nice to know there are no two of you's!
Embrace you and all add to the beauty of this life.

Crystal is a mirror into the soul of

Crystal is a mirror into the soul of time.. Look straight into the goodness that you are and become more within each and every day.

To be peaceful is to discover the

To be peaceful is to discover the pathway you are meant to. Look deep inside to find all the answers you so seek for a blissful and joyous adventure.

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Sit and listen to the wisdom that

Sit and listen to the wisdom that is born within the layers of greatness. The trees have something to share if we hear.

Friday, 28 December 2012

Thursday, 27 December 2012

There is simply no end to the gifts

There is simply no end to the gifts that are bestowed upon each other as we learn to love and be accepting of people no matter what. There are indeed magnificent packages waiting to be found
within each and everyone of us.

CREATE Something New.

CREATE Something New.
Life is never... always the same!
Always be willing to try something new,
To bring about a smile...

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

The wonder of it all

The wonder of it all
eyes are opened wide
wider then ever before
delight in the harmony
wisdom has arrived

May you have the courage and the

May you have the courage and the power to let go of something familiar, in so you might grow and learn that there is nothing to fear.

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Within every single moment,

Within every single moment, there are choices to be made regarding your feeling better or worse about any given situation. Your individual freedom lies within your own hands all of the time. It is truly all up to you with concerns to all you do.

Live your life the way you want

Live your life the way you want to. Your world becomes your reality, as you create the universe you imagine.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Passion regarding all you

Passion regarding all you do. Feel it and know it is real. Ignite the desires from inside and enjoy your well lit life.

Impressed by the moments

Impressed by the moments
gratefulness so divine
delighting in the wonder
this life is sublime
walk along the pathway
living in good time

Sunday, 23 December 2012

We can never go back,

We can never go back, but by the grace of God we can go forward with peace, love and understanding that all has purpose beyond that which is known in this moment.

Turn your life around.

Turn your life around. Change is a miracle that occurs
when you make a decision to not be what you are,
but to become what you want.

Saturday, 22 December 2012

And ut shall be that you are

And it shall be that you are your solution to all the fullness you so desire. Begin to acknowledge the abundance as you feel the excitement building.

Don't wait for your life to

Don't wait for your life to happen, go out and make the life you want.

Friday, 21 December 2012

Fit the pieces together,

Fit the pieces together, as you are so enjoying the puzzle that is life.

Oh...a million stars to sit

Oh....a million stars to sit under. The energy and the delight of the dance above you. A light show from beyond this world. The simple joys in life are all around us, and the stars are one of the greatest.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Be a "thinker", and don't become your

Be a "thinker", and don't become your "thoughts". Recognize that you harness a great deal more power, energy and spirit than your aware of. Recognizing your source of energy will allow you to give and withdrawal your attention, which will send your life in the very direction you most wish to go.

In times when you don't know,

In times when you don't know, is a time to believe in those things you can't see.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

We are free to begin the great work of

We are free to begin the great work of restoration. For the love of this life and the grace that comes within, we will go about our days building and seeing all things new.

Intuition is a powerful compass.

Intuition is a powerful compass. It's proper use can bring about the most enlightening of times.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Becoming more aware of our

Becoming more aware of our inherit roots, while we learn to change the "THEM" to an "US", as we are awakened to the truths as they are meant to be.

The deck is firm but sways as you

The deck is firm but sways as you walk upon it.
It is like life itself. There are things that do happen in this
life that cause us to loose our footing, but rest assured we are
on our rightful paths, even when it is sometimes difficult to navigate.

Monday, 17 December 2012

Hear the voice, the surge of freedom

Hear the voice, the surge of freedom as you move forward. Brace yourself for the mystery of this life to unfold with wonder.

Sometimes it's the things we don't see

Sometimes it's the things we don't see that matter the most. Be innovative and make plans for a growth spurt. The small picture is often the big picture. Keep growing and know there is plenty to support your bean stalk.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

There is a song being sung within

There is a song being sung within each and every life. Hear the words and feel the power that is given as you sing along. We are all blessed to share in the wondrous melody of the days and the nights.

Eternity is all there is to delight

Eternity is all there is to delight in the goodness that the days do bring. Dance within the moments and know that your feet will never tire and your smile will grow wider as the joy will just keep coming.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Life is a canvas. Use your colors to

Life is a canvas. Use your colors to delight others and inspire yourself to want the best all of the time. Don't be shy about spreading your brush all about your world. Let everyone see your brightness and light. Hold hands with others, and feel the energy of the souls you are kindred with.

Awaken to your life and

Awaken to your life and it's purpose through the choices you make. Enjoy your world, and all it is. There is no sleep walking while here. Wipe your eyes to see the world before you. Watch your dreams come true through conscious choices, as they unfold each day. As you sit at the edge of your bed, open ...your mind, body and soul to the day, and all the good that will occur within it.

Life is a magnificent journey filled

Life is a magnificent journey filled with countless choices. Observe and react to your circumstances brought forth by the universe. Face your challenges as they will help you find the dreams that you know are meant.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Become as awesome as the things

Become as awesome as the things you see. There is magnificence all around you and you are a great part of it!

Thursday, 13 December 2012

A "Hero's Journey" Realize

A "Hero's Journey" Realize your divinity. Surrender to the world that which you "think" is true, and begin the work of understanding that your thoughts effect outcomes. Be inspired as you move through your lives ebbs and flows. We must resign to the fact that we all will do the "hard work" to get to the delightful lesson which is enlightenment.

In faith, be like a wind chime.

In faith, be like a wind chime. Hold steady until your faith, like the
wind, moves you to joy. Don't let fear of the unknown imprison your spiritual growth. Regardless of what waters you swim in. God will not let you sink. You may crash your ship into some rocks, but your soul will never sink, whether you believe are not. You make your own world, and you must live within it.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

May it be that your eyes are bright and

May it be that your eyes are bright and glistening with a fullness of passion for life, that can only be manifested in "your" dreams and desires as you live out your days. Looking straight ahead and with a path of intention in mind, open those eyes and receive all the goodness they are meant to enjoy.

There is always hard work to be

There is always hard work to be done while building your nest. And, after your nest is complete, there is still just as much to be done. Be grateful for all that is, and realize that life is hard. The learning and lessons are wonderful, beautiful.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Fly free uninhibited by anything

Fly free uninhibited by anything that is not divine. Happiness is yours, grab hold of it, and never let it go. Decide now that your
true happiness is all that matters today and always.

Escape from old ideas.analyze the

Escape from old ideas. Analyze the greatness that lies just ahead. Be brave and respect the new way of thinking.

Monday, 10 December 2012

There are indeed costs that will be

There are indeed costs that will be paid by the choices made.
Do as you wish, and grow in ways you will.
In the end, realize the lessons and the wisdom you have gained,
as they are all gifts!

I will lift my eyes and walk with you,

I will lift my eyes and walk with you, knowing you will get me through. Sing, I will with the angels as they gather around me to show me all that is for me to know and understand.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Always moving forward in a positive

Always moving forward in a positive direction, trusting that you will receive and understand the lessons being shown and taught within each and every day. You will continue to look at your life with the effervescence of champagne. Cheers!

There is no such thing as failure. There is only

There is no such thing as failure. There is only to try something new, different, and unknown. Venture out and explore the world you live in. You will realize your true purpose and do more for your souls perfection as you become part of the whole, active in all moments given you.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Understand yourself, for the

Understand yourself, for the sake of understanding all others.

The mirror on the wall shall show what

The mirror on the wall shall show what you see, which is magnificent! Mirrors never lie, they only encourage.

Friday, 7 December 2012

What a fantastic place to call

What a fantastic place to call home. I am so grateful for the nightly view of the heavens I so adore.

Never doors, just doorways to all

Never doors, just doorways to all the greatness just ahead. See your way through to your glorious future one moment at a time.